Module Name |
Description |
Basic |
Optional |
Homepage Management |
Module to update homepage, Menu and Submenu related content and pictures. User can add/edit Submenu on homepage. |
Link Management Module for creating new links on homepage, new menu and submenu. Creating or updating content of all menus and submenu of the homepage. User can add or change any photograph on homepage. |
Popup Module for creating popup message on homepage or on welcome page after login. User can add details here for displaying any message in separate window for a defined timeline whenever anybody open the school website or login. |
News, Events and Notices Module for creating news of school’s events/functions/notices which will display on homepage under the link of School News. News will display on homepage for defined timeline. |
School Calendar It’s a calendar date definition module. Here user can define different activities with its color and assign those activities to different dates in calendar. The same will display in calendar with defined color on homepage. |
Homepage Query Module from where outsider can send their queries from homepage without login to school and they will get reply on their email ids/logins. |
Opinion Poll Module for taking opinion through polling. It’s for all registered user as well as for outsiders also. It’s a poll with multiple options for taking opinion of parents, student, staff or other website registered user. |
Holiday Master Module for defining and saving details of all holidays. The same will display effect on attendance. |
Message Board |
Internal Mailing system, this module enable each user to send/reply messages to each other with attachments from their portal login. |
They can send messages in bulk also e.g. to a complete class, All class teacher, particular bus route, etc. |
Also have report to track the details of messages received/sent till now. |
Module for sending SMS to all registered users. User can also send SMS by typing mobile number directly. |
This has facility for sending SMS with diff selection e.g. for students class wise, section wise, for faculty wing wise etc. |
Also have report to track the details of SMS sent till now. |
Time Table |
Module to generate Timetable of whole school faculty and to put substitutions daily basis. |
Also have reports to check details of time table, substitution and virtual classes. |
Teachers are able to see only those classes in their logins for diff modules like marks entry, question paper etc which are assigned from this link. |
Attendance Information |
Module to mark attendance of students on daily basis, period wise and term wise. |
Module is integrated with SMS facility, on Attendance marking a SMS will go to all parents whose wards are absent on particular day. |
Library |
Module to keep record of complete Library process from purchasing till issue return, barcode generation, late fine details etc. |
Module will have various search pages to search book in library and have multiple reports to keep track of daily transactions. |
Clinic Management/Health Management |
This module is for saving the health related information of all student which can be used further in other module too i.e. report cards. |
The same can be updated/saved term wise. |
Content Management |
Module is for uploading Notes, Homework, power point presentation for registered students and faculty. |
Users have rights to display or hide any content from here and can assign as per timeline. |
Syllabus |
Module for teachers to define their syllabus for assigned classes and subjects as per timetable against the defined cycle/month. |
The same is visible to parents and student after final approval. |
Progress Report |
This module is to prepare and keep track of all exams of all classes and its records. |
Module is total dynamic, marks and grade will display as per master definitions done. |
Link will have sub links for teachers to enter marks, grade against their class and section for different exams. |
Also have different types of reports which will display student exam record class section wise and individual student report card. |
All the previous year data will remain here in defined formats only. |
Online Admission |
Module for complete admission process from selection criteria definition till confirmation of admission in school. |
Link will have all online admission related sub links. For defining neighborhood points, Online Registration Form, to view all submitted form, for downloading admission form data, Sending acknowledge to parents, for checking weightage status. |
Birthday |
Module to set the SMS and mail content for Birthdays of Student and school staff separately and same has been set to send automatically on birthday date on their mobile number and email ids. |
Alumni |
Module to keep the records of Alumni. |
From this module alumni can register themselves with school and their record will remain there in database. |
School can send SMS or messages, share Notices, circulars etc. to registered Alumni from portal login. |
Student Portfolio |
Module to display complete information of student at one place from admission till current date. |
This will have complete academic data, non-academic data, event participation/performance details and FEE details of the student. |
Question Paper |
Module for Teachers’ to upload different subjects’ question papers exam wise against class sections in any format. |
The same is visible to only assigned sections’ student in their login. |
Objective Paper Generator |
Module for teachers to create question bank and out of which with random questions objective paper will generate for student. |
The paper will display in assigned class students’ login to attempt. |
Module has reports to tract the attempt record and students’ performance. |
Lesson Plan |
Modules for teachers to define their lesson plan against the defined syllabus. |
Module have many reports to check status of lesson plan whether filled, not filled, approved, cancelled, etc. |
Teacher Diary |
Module for teacher to fill their teacher diary against the defined and approved syllabus & lesson plan. |
The same has been approved/verified by HOD and principal. |
Module has multiple reports to keep track of teacher diaries status. |
Counselor’s Corner |
Module for Counselor, from where counselor can share their ideas with student or parent or other user and can also handle their queries. |
Module is integrated with SMS facility, on Attendance marking a SMS will go to all parents whose wards are absent on particular day. |
Vacancy |
Module for defining and opening online form for vacancy. |
Applicant will fill this form online on homepage. Sub links have report to display list of all applicants against all job openings with details and link to edit or delete any job opening. |
Webzine |
Module to upload and share e-magazine either on homepage or within the school against months. |
Module has archive section where all the shared e-magazine will remain visible in downloadable format. |
FEE Management |
Module for the complete process of FEE in school from fee generation to refund of security. |
It has complete dynamic platform to define various fee components, taking new admission and their confirmation, Fee receiving from parent/bank, etc. |
Module has various report to keep track of all transactions for students and for school. |
Transport Management |
Module for complete process of Transport allocation and tracking. |
It has facility to assign, change passenger, bus, route etc, defining fee for routes, etc. |
It has various reports to track all transactions of transport. |
Payroll |
Module for complete process of HR & Salary process. |
It includes processes from adding new employee, resigning, complete leave process, salary process including TDS, PF, etc. |
It has various reports to track all transactions of HR & Salary process. |
Inventory |
Module for complete process of Inventory for both the type of items i.e. consumable and Fixed Assets. |
It includes purchasing, order, requisition, request, issue, condemn, etc process and its related reports to keep track of all transactions. |
Front Office |
This module is combination of 6 small processes i.e. Appointment, Call Register, Letters, Inventory, Record of issued form. Module has separate reports for all the processes. |
Hostel |
Module has all process of Hostel from defining capacity till allotment of rooms, defining hostel staff and daily attendance, etc. |
The Module has various reports to show various record of hostel. |
MIS Reports and Dashboard |
Different Types of MIS Reports and Dashboard are available for different types of Users. |
For Management, the dashboard and MIS Report will display complete school activity details on daily basis. |