We at Global Math Mission want to take math out of present state of disfavor, obscurity and make it accessible and hence useful. We aim to include women and other marginalized learners to let them experience the joy of learning Math. We have evidence and experience showing the possibility of every learner falling in love with Math. The problem of Math learning will thus be resolved for the whole humanity, forever.
Family College 'educates' parents to be the role-model learners to most naturally nurture a 'learning culture' for children too. A family is the most 'controllable environment' to learn, the 'content' is simple, and the benefits are immeasurable in terms of education of children and 'happiness quotient' of the family.
Most comprehensive teaching-learning plan for each period. Period plan lays out period wise CBSE Curriculum based Learning outcome mapped lesson plan for Math, Science and Social science for classes I-XII. It gives the road map for each period to Teachers.
Teachers are enabled to add to learning outcome mapped Period Plan as additional reading for the benefit of the students.
Cloud based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) enables digitization and automation of the critical school processes and resources aimed at making school processes transparent, process driven and devoid of human errors.
A “Software as a Product” build on our vast school domain knowledge acquired over last seventeen years. It is compendium of proven, live school processes currently being used by best of the breed schools in India and Middle East. Our ERP is modular, self-customizing, seamlessly future scalable cost effective and annually upgraded and addresses each and every school process.
It is an APP based, 24X7, Class X CBSE Board exam preparatory resource for Math and Science subjects.
Entire Class X Math and Science CBSE Syllabi has been divided into 235 learning outcomes ( micro concepts) to help students understand each and every chapter at micro concept level , focus upon and fill the classroom learning gaps of the students and prepare for the Class X board examination.
“A child educated only in school is an uneducated child” as summed up by American Philosopher brings out the critical missing link in our school education system
Parent’s school is not a substitute to the formal school system, but it vastly strengthens learning for your children. It is the way progressive and educated parents will educate their children. It is a virtual (24X7) school that extensively and continuously handholds parents to ensure their children excel academically and be true learners.
Parent’s School Offers: Simple to understand and simple to use world’s best educational resources conceptually powerful at “learning outcome level” mapped CBSE curriculum.
One of the ironies of the school-led education system is that schools cannot support gifted children - not even academically gifted! Worse, (almost) all children are born equally gifted (God's creation is perfect) and yet in the elementary school years the overwhelming majority of students are robbed off the giftedness.
Over several years, we worked on developing a Natural Learning System for math and science for 8 - 15 years old. Offered in partnership with PanIIT Alumni India, the Mentoring Million Minds is designed to encourage a million children into careers in STEM.
While all the children are enrolled in schools as fairly talented and equi-potential, the harsh reality of the middle school years is that an increasingly larger proportion of them start lagging behind, almost on a daily basis. Typically, a class VIII student could be stuck in Class V level in number system, class VI level in algebra, class III level in reading skills etc.
Yet, the education system offers negligible support to students to access and remedy prior knowledge; it's almost impossible to cover ones deficits of past classes, even if diagnosed. Mentoring Million Minds has special support for the vast majority of 'weaker' students.
The GPS integration solution is a mobile-phone based safe-transport software. It is meant to automatically link attendance system, leave policy, pick and drop intimation and updates, temporary pick/drop point changes etc. to ensure a very fool-proof student safety system.
It organically links fee software and transport usage and approval system to stop revenue loss in transport. Its benefits are highly scalable it's driven as part of the school-wide digital processes and resources.
However, it's no hardware for fleet management e.g. recording auto stop-start time, fuel consumption etc.
Math = Arithmetic / calculations (<25%) + Logic / Reasoning (>75%) (the primary purpose of math is to develop logical thinking)
Arithmetic = Methods + Practice (of methods, thoughtlessly) (e.g. we study 'unitary method' and practice it a lot over many similar question)
Setting new global benchmarks in concept-based teaching, learning, assessment, reporting, remedial and revision, the books will ensure achievement of logical development(the essence of math education).
Setting new global benchmarks in concept-based teaching, learning, assessment, reporting, remedial and revision, the books will demystify physics, chemistry and biology to give a newer vision of the world - now and evolving - to the children.
The books dramatically increase conversations around science, in and out of the classrooms, and provide an unprecedented impetus to interest in pre-reading before classroom teaching. To top it all, science syllabus will never be unfinished in your school.
Setting new global benchmarks in concept-based teaching, learning, assessment, reporting, remedial and revision, the books bring in rigourous analytical and social skills in social science education; an attempt to completely move away from the wasted years of social science education. To be true, the books are the first-cut versions and evolving towards a revolution in social science education.
Our goal through these concept-based books is to duly place social science education to help make the fast emerging global village a better place for us all.
A highly simplified, yet comprehensive exercise book for class work, it’ll make class work stress-free, focused and suitable for gifted too.
Part of the unique pedagogical reforms aimed at enabling homes to become more ‘education friendly’, it offers guided and non-evaluative assessment resources at home.
Moving away from the ‘data-focused’ social scienceeducation, it will complement the concept-based book on social science. It’ll offer opportunities for analytical evaluation of social science curriculum.
The book extensively investigates the origin & ‘DNA’, processes, resources, stakeholders roles, current research in brain development, and special education to propose the most meticulous framework for the next-gen schools — GOOD Schools. A GOOD School offers Guarantee Of Overall Development of every student in every school.
These are 3 books:
Education 3.0
Parent 3.0
Student 3.0
Available as e-books on Amazon.
The 'story' of English language is very interesting and the most critical cause of poor educational achievement for the vast majority of fellow Indians. To the point, highly skilled reading is a pre-requisite to achieve academic-level competence in a language (be it mother tongue or a second language).
Reading Skills Assessment is an attempt at measuring reading competence in English. To be honest, reading skills assessment is still an evolving as 'a science' and our attempt is simply a pioneering effort in India. It is a must for every school!
Under trial run, it is a unique App for teachers, parents and children on sharing reported news from across the world on education, science, math, careers, economics, technology, sports, culture and environment to start with. Starting out as small curated daily m-news paper, it will eventually grow to be powered by student-reporters.
Incidentally, it will only carry the good side of the world - good news paper! It will celebrate the vast goodness of humanity, especially individuals.
To be launched soon, it is the world's first initiative in bringing 'career-related activities', assessments, action plan and periodic review of career choices for the students of classes VII-XII. It follows a completely new perspective to career choice decisions.
To be true, we are waiting for the right school to kickstart this programme. You could be the right school to start this programme if:
a. Don't really take pride in 'number of IITians' from your school
b. Don't really believe in aptitude and attitude assessments for career
c. Don't really blame parents and teachers for most ills (and believe in students)
To be launched soon, it is to contempararise 'robotics education' in schools – moving away mechanical to organic robots' (bots). It’ll essentially be in the form of case studies and presentations.
Career choices forced upon children are often the key source of stress and friction within families.
For many of the professions we know, the shift has already taken place, for others it is a matter of time, as in the words of William Gibson, “The future is here, it's just not evenly distributed yet.”
Importantly, this is a window of opportunity, as always, in these times of upheaval to climb several steps up the socio-economic ladder in one generation.
The curriculum designed and developed through active learning on the ground focuses on the learner’s perspective. The elements of the curriculum are aligned in themes relevant to real life -what we ask students to do must relate to what we want them to learn.
Domains within the theme are written around Cognitive, affective, emotional and physical development goals. The standards in each domain ensure Quality, Clarity and Consistency in learning progression.
The curriculum package for each Grade level consists of I - book (Domain), Learners Book and Instructors Book.
We have developed a micro online Audit first of its kind, of teaching learning that could be quick and frequent non disruptive to schedule that include Evaluation of Lesson planning, Video recorded Classroom observation, Teachers’ Questionnaire, Principals’ inputs and Parents Contact telephonic interviews.
The audit allows us to make authoritative evaluations about the quality of education and give well-informed, learner-centred advice to the school leadership and management.
We host a variety of workshops to support, empower and engage the stakeholders in quality delivery for:
1. Students (Academic Performance, Career Guidance and Leadership towards personal success)
2. Parents (Skills for Working towards the success and opportunities for their children)
3. Teachers and School Leaders (Professional efficacy and job satisfaction)
A disruptive innovation in the teaching-learning context - mobile based period lesson plans, flipped classrooms, pre-teaching assessments, micro-progress reporting for parents, period-wise lesson delivery reports to principals and parents. School education will never be the same again.
This is the best starting point towards No Child Left Behind in every classroom. The three key strengths of this programme are:
a. Cultivating a education-friendly home
b. Securing a far higher bar of content deliver in classrooms
c. Period by period monitoring of classroom transactions
Two pre-summative-exam assessments for actionable, micro-progress reports to every parents in pre-exam PTMs; transforms teacher-parent relationships in very significant ways.
A unique online solution to end the need for tuition for homework support in classes I-V.
For over two-thirds of the curricular content, the online system helps students check their chosen answers for correctness. The system does not give the right answers by itself (it can, but that would be pedagogically wrong).
Animated content aligned to CBSE curriculum for III-X.
Truly, just a must-have product. Smart class content is an Indian invention - doesn't seem to have done good for the cause of student-led learning or enabling teachers for higher quality pedagogy.
Student-created digital content is the best 'smart class content'; we just need to motivate students to become producers rather than consumers to 'content'.
A mobile-based English language development platform harnessing the mentoring support of the 'Handhold English volunteers'.
A significant tool for schools to harness their (small) community of proficient English language parents, teachers & children’ for the benefit of all other students.
A unique board exam oriented math, physics and chemistry assessment-led concept education programme.
To be available to students from 1st January 2016,it’ll be a significant support for securing higher marks in CBSE exams, while devoting the rest of the year on career preparation exams.
Bringing more language and story telling in math and EVS education in the primary years.
A virtual re-writing of math and EVS curriculum towards the later years of primary school education towards:
a. Supporting more reading volume in an academic year
b. Creating conditions for reading, everyday
c. Supporting the habit of reading-led learning style (followed by doing, seeing and hearing)
d. Enriching education - boundary-less curriculum transaction
e. Tuition-free homes
Schools were meant to letter the children of 'unschooled parents'. Yet, the best kept secret of the school-based education system is that quality of parenting is THE differentiator, born geniuses are few and far between.
In these times, no child can be left behind in school education! And the best guarantee of the same is to enable every parent to support their children. The new-age mass format of schools is 'community schools', focused on family education rather than just the children.
Schools, as we know them, were designed for first-generation learners; schools were meant to 'read the contents of prescribed books' to the children of 'unschooled parents', through the lettered teachers.
However, the world of students has dramatically changed e.g. there are III/IV/V/VI-generation learners in every classroom who can read and understand the contents of the prescribed textbooks by themselves (to a large extent).
Sandeep and Saloni, Co-Founders, 'home educated' their only child, Shreya, 17. They do not actively promote 'home education' but very intently offer to handhold parents aspiring home education for their children.
Their daughter achieved great academic success in class X as a private student registered for ICE curriculum, IGCSE. In the process of academic education of their daughter they have self-written unique concept-based books for math, science and social science for classes VI - X.
Feel free to write to them at Saloni@iycworld.net for academic support for your home-educated children.
Sandeep and Saloni, Co-Founders, 'home educated' their only child, Shreya, 17. They do not actively promote 'home education' but very intently offer to handhold parents aspiring home education for their children.
Their daughter is intensely involved in violin, vocals, painting, photography, design, fashion, documentary editing, creative writing, reading, dance, Spanish etc.and in the process they have developed frameworks for guiding investments of time, effort and money in overall development activities of children.
Feel free to write to them at Saloni@iycworld.net for co-scholastic development support for your home educated children.
Sandeep and Saloni, Co-Founders, 'home educated' their only child to most amazing experience for self and their daughter, 17. They do not actively promote 'home education' but very intently offer to handhold parents aspiring home education for their children.
While their daughter achieved great scholastic and co-scholastic success, they are professionally involved in school reforms and happy to support design and development of new education models.
Feel free to write to them at Saloni@iycworld.net for initiating new-age school for home-educated children.